Classroom Music Activities


Planning Musical Learning Activities that Activate the Whole Brain

Music and the Brain

Brain Activation with Different Stimulation and Levels of Activity

Performing music makes neural connections between various parts of the brain.  Auditory and motor activities take place through playing an instrument.  Rhythm and melody instruments require motor coordination.  Reading music involves visual activity.  Singing songs and recalling or reading lyrics activate language processing areas of the brain.  Dancing or moving to the rhythm of music stimulates the brain's motor areas.  Music is processed differently for different people depending on kind of music and musical background.


Teaching the Elements of Music

Rhythm and Tempo Activities


  Melody Activities 

Harmony and Form

Harmony is formed either by sounds that are played or song at the same time (homophonic) or by sounds that are created with simultaneous melodies (like a round or canon).  Form is the design of music, incorporating repetition, contrast, unity, and variety.  The organization of music, its shape or structure.

The Expressive Elements of Music  - Add Variety and Contrast to Music

Timbre - The distinctive quality of tone of a sound.


Conducting Patterns

2/4 Time

3/4 Time

4/4 Time

Tempo - The pace at which music moves, based on the speed of the underlying beat.

Dynamics - The volume of sound; the loudness or softness of a musical passage.


Literacy Elements  

See the Introductory discussion of the English Language Arts standards and Mathematics standards for suggestions on how to use music to reinforce learning.

 Numeracy Elements