1. What kind of technical support or emotional handholding did the students need from you?
2. What did you perceive as being the most difficult tasks for the students to do? What did you feel they had the greatest problems with? Did students become more confident at problem-solving as they progressed?
3. What kinds of complaints did you hear voiced from the students? What indication did you notice of attitude change as their portfolios started to come together?
4. What kinds of skills did you feel students developed in the process of putting the portfolio together? Do you feel that some students would be able to proceed in the future without your help?
5. What problems did students have with the Hyperstudio template? What changes would you make in the design of the template? Were any students using the HTML templates? If so, what problems did they encounter?
6. In what ways did students use the electronic packet, and particularly the resources in the packet?
7. What evidence did you see that students were trying to meet course objectives in the portfolio process?
8. What evidence did you see that would indicate that students were reflecting on their learning?
9. If you were to give advice to new students trying to put together an electronic portfolio, what would it be?
10. What changes would you recommend for the future? Would you recommend adjustments design, lay-out, or presentation format? Would you recommend changes in how students are prepared for the project or the types of instruction they might need?
11. Can you share any anecdotal stories about specific situations that came up during this period of time? Were there any specific equipment or software problems you could describe?
Copyright 1999 by Carla Hagen Piper