Possible Artifacts for your Collection

Most of your artifacts will be either photographs or Word documents. Photographs can include students engaged in learning activities, student work, classroom environment, parent meetings, staff meetings, etc. You will find the digital camera the most useful tool for gathering artifacts. You will want to learn to use your photo editor in order to size, crop, and edit photos that you take. See additional information on photo and graphic file size and editing on the next page. See the library for forms, templates, reports, etc. that might help you.

  • Self Assessments, Student Assessments
  • Personal Resume, Professional Growth Plan
  • Lesson Plans, Student Work, Observations, Observation Forms and Logs
  • Photographs, Art Activities
  • Staff Meeting Agendas, Emerging Literacy Observations, Language Assessments
  • Reading Lists, Cognitive Assessments, Daily Schedule Checklist
  • Classroom Environment Inventory, Desired Results, Communication Reports
  • Developmental Summary, Goals, and Strategies
  • Mind Map or Graphic Organizer, Parent Inventory, Thematic Units
  • Peer Coaching and Evaluations, Websites for Professional Organizations
  • Equipment Checklist, Evaluations, Certificates and Awards
  • Degrees, Course Syllabi and Assignments
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