Libros y Más
Libros y Más (Books and More), is a home based early reading program that assists early childhood educators in extending literacy learning into the homes of their preschool children. CAL-NET provides parents with Libros y Más training and materials in order to encourage increased parent and child interaction in the home. Parents who participate in the Libros y Más program will demonstrate an increased support for children's learning in the home environment as measured by parent interviews and selected items from the California Even Start Performance Information Reporting System (CA-ESPIRS) Survey (English and Spanish).
Different books are being used in the program for the 2005-2006 school year, as some of the children in the treatment classrooms are in their second year of the program and project staff wanted them to receive a variety of books which incorporate the theme. Books, along with corresponding activities (e.g. flannel board stories, alphabet letter matching games, and numeracy games) are provided during the monthly Libros y Más literacy evenings. There are Doors to Discovery themes for each of the months, along with the corresponding books provided to the parents at the monthly Libros y Más literacy evenings.
Project Staff