Course Objective #7
7. The significance of a variety of assessment procedures and the use of
assessment results to organize classrooms for effective instruction, select
effective teaching and learning approaches, and equitably instruct special
populations of students: i.e. differing gender, ethnicity, race, primary
language, handicapping conditions and special reading/language arts needs.
#24, #25,
#26, #27,#28,
Portfolio Directions for Cover Sheet
Cover Sheet
Directions: You have several choices for how you wish to place your cover
sheet into this HTML page. Use your browser edit function to type your
cover sheet directly onto this page. If you prefer, use insert file to
place your word processor document on this page or use your edit/copy/paste
functions to paste your cover sheet. You could also insert a link to an
Adobe Acrobat file.
(Your Text Here)
Create a link to your evidence here. Your evidence may be another HTML
page with text, pictures, sound, or video. Your evidence may be a Hyperstudio
presentation, a Powerpoint presentation, a Director Movie, etc. Make sure
to include any special instructions on how to access your file.