2005 Keynote Speaker - Matthew Gollub
Matthew Golub was the keynote speaker
for the 2005 CAL-NET conference
in Redding August 27-28.
Matthew Gollub's first language is English but he also speaks Spanish and Japanese. His first musical book even features a fly who speaks jazz. A native of California, he has traveled much of the world. He has worked as a newscaster, translator, and touring member of a Japanese drum troupe. Not only is Matthew an award-winning author, he is also the publisher of Tortuga Press. His acclaimed books and live author presentations reflect his broad experience and interests.
2005 Luncheon Keynote Speaker - Sue Stickel
Sue Stickel is the Deputy Superintendent of the Curriculum and Instruction Branch of the California Department of Education. Ms. Stickel earned her bachelors degree and teaching credential at CSU-Sacramento, as well as her administrative credential and masters degree in Educational Administration at the University of San Francisco. Ms. Stickel has worked in the educational field since 1976 as a classroom and university teacher, and administrator. She also has been a past member and chair of California's Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission.
Evaluator - Rachelle Kisst Hackett, Ph. D.
Rachelle Kisst Hackett is an Associate Professor in the Benerd School of Education at the University of the Pacific where she teaches courses in research design and statistical analysis. She earned her masters degree in Statistics, and Doctorate in Education
(with an emphasis in quantitative research methods, measurement, and education psychology) from Stanford University. She completed internships at the Educational Testing Service (ETS) and the RAND Corporation. She has over 15 years experience conducting evaluations of a variety of state and federally funded programs.
University Consultant - Carla Piper, Ed. D.
Carla Piper earned her Ed.D. from the University of the Pacific in Curriculum and Instruction with emphasis in Music Education and Educational Technology. She began teaching music in junior high and elementary schools after completing her BME at the University of Nebraska. She left teaching to pursue her MA in Early Music at Stanford University. She began a performing and recording career in the San Francisco Bay Area, writing music for publishers and television producers including scores for Sesame Street, MacMillan, and Addison Wesley Publishing. She began her own music production company, Soundpiper Music, and wrote and produced musical activity recordings for preschool children, as well as all of the music for Zoo-phonics. She then returned to teaching K-5 music and Title I language arts, participating in the California Literature Project. Dr. Piper served as multiple subject faculty, and then as single subject faculty for Chapman University, as well as assistant professor at the University of the Pacific. She has combined her interests in music, literacy and numeracy as she participates in an Early Childhood Education Professional Development grant with the U.S. Department of Education. She developed the electronic portfolio system, Clipboard, which is being used by early childhood educators participating in the U.S. Department of Education Early Reading First and CAL-NET grants.
Mary Viegas
Mary Viegas holds an Education Specialist Credential and Early Childhood Special Education Certificate. She is on the assessors for Preschool Multi-disciplinary Team and is responsible for assessing preschool age children referred to special education for the Tehama County Department of Education. As an itinerant special education teacher she serves students enrolled in any of the fifteen Head Start and State Preschools within the county. Ms. Viegas has also taught a class for emotionally disturbed students in grades 4-8, and prior to that, an at-risk program for behaviorally disordered students in grades 7-9.
2005 - Workshop Presenters Information
Annette Logsdon
Annette Logsdon is the Texas Project Manager for
Teachscape , a professional development company offering a full range of professional services for educators in K-12 school systems. She manages a number of online professional development projects such as E-CIRCLE Pre-K Project based out of the University of Texas in Houston. Ms. Logsdon taught several years as an elementary teacher in bilingual (Spanish/English), ESL classrooms of Texas Public Schools. She spent the next six years as a Staff Development Specialist working in the area of Curriculum and Technology Integration for Apple Computer, Inc. delivering training and consulting services nationally. For the past six years she has worked as an Independent Professional Development Specialist and Educational Consultant. Ms. Logsdon manages her own consulting company, School Tools Consulting. She acts as director of training and development, providing services to K-12 school districts. Ms. Logsdon is also currently involved in supporting sales and the development of Teachscape partnerships with new clients. Ms. Logsdon resides in Austin, Texas with her family.
Diana Stenen
Diana Stenen has been a Mentor Teacher for Shasta College student teachers for eight years, Shasta County Office Education Children Center teacher for 22 years. She is currently teaching at the Preschool of the Arts at Buckeye, student in the art of life.
Karen Mitsueda
Karen Mitsueda has been a Mentor Teacher for Shasta College student teachers for eight years, SCOE Children Center teacher for 24 years. She is currently teaching at the Preschool of the Arts at Buckeye, she is a practitioner and teacher of Tai Chi, and is currently studying Chinese Brush painting.
Roni Tunick, M.A., M.S., CCC SLP
Roni Tunick is a licensed Speech/Language Pathologist (SLP) and is currently the Special Education Lead for the California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN) Region 11, Los Angeles County. She has provided speech and language services to young children in California Preschool Programs. Most recently she has been a trainer-of-trainers in the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) Head Start/State Preschool Division in the areas of assessment, Head Start federal initiatives, and has served as a group leader for the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scales Revised. ( ECERS R)
Christy Hurt
Christy Hurt is an Evaluator/Consultant with the Center for Evaluation and Research. She has over eight years experience in conducting evaluations for state and federally funded grant programs. Ms. Hurt earned her masters degree from California State University, Chico in Bilingual and Multicultural Education. She has a teaching credential and an administrative credential and has taught grades K-5 and ESL; directed state and federally funded programs; and served as a district testing coordinator.