Educational Production and Consulting
I like Sunny Days, Fun Songs, Mother Goose, Animal Parade, and ABCs and 123s were created to provide teachers and parents with a way to help children have fun while they practice some very basic skills. Although the activites on the CDs are most appropriate for children in the ability range of 2 to 5 years, other children will also enjoy the songs.
Music For Zoo-phonics
Soundpiper wrote the music
and lyrics for Zoo-phonics. The Zoo-Music Collection On CD and a
digital download of
"Music That Teaches" is available under the
Zoo-phonics Music and Games. The CD includes “We Are Zoo-phonics Kids,”
“Zoo-robics” and “The Jump Rope Rap,” plus “Queeny & Umber
Quality Friends” (story and music) bonus track. Also includes an
extra play of “Come Meet Us At the Zoo” and complete booklet of
lyrics. We also wrote the Spanish version that teaches the
sounds of the Spanish alphabet through songs and stories. Songs include Zoo-phonics M'agico Los Animales son mis
Amigos, RAP Suena Asi y se, Hace Asi, Cuentos Acento
Ortogr'afico and many more.
CD Rom Game For Zoo-phonics
Zoo-phonics developed Read and Spell in
conjunction with VTech. Zoo-phonics was developed by two
teachers and an illustrator with an accent on reinforcement
through the multi-modal approach. Carla Piper and Janne Bradshaw
recorded all of the music and sound effects for this
curriculum-based reading and spelling software program that
teaches reading, spelling and writing. The CD-Rom is no longer
available. However, you can locate music, games , and digital media
on the Zoo-phonics
products website.
Zoo-phonics MP3 narrated story and music for read-a-longs
We wrote music and songs for nine Zoo-phonics read-a-long stories – Circle of Five, Bossy Ellie Learns a Lesson, Help for Aunt Claire, Break in the Beaver Dam, No Room for Lies, Moat Mates Save the Day, In Pursuit of the Perfect Suit, Silent Treatment at the Zoo, and All Soft Inside. (no longer available for download, but some are still available on the Zoo-phonics website)
ClipBoard (Archived)

ClipBoard was developed by Soundpiper as a comprehensive electronic teacher portfolio system designed to guide the professional development of early childhood educators. ClipBoard was originally a component of two grants sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education as a part of No Child Left Behind. CAL-NET, incorporated ClipBoard as a professional teacher self-assessment tool, allowing teachers to collect artifacts that document teaching competencies aligned with national and state standards for early childhood educators. Teachers submitted artifacts that focus on Early Reading First instructional skills in early literacy and numeracy, as well as meet academic standards for young children in all subject areas. Teachers designed showcases aligned with professional standards of excellence. As teachers collected artifacts and designed showcases, they reflected on their teaching practice. Showcases may be published for public exhibition and shared with the professional community. ClipBoard is no longer available, but the research resulting from this portfolio process continues to guide digital portfolio assessment for the educational community.
TeachPort served as a comprehensive electronic teacher portfolio system designed to guide the professional development of California K-12 teachers and teacher candidates. TeachPort allows teachers to collect, organize, and submit evidence of their competencies in meeting the California Teacher Performance Expectations (TPE). Teachers used TeachPort as a tool for self assessment and reflection. Teachers collected artifacts and created showcases to document teaching competencies aligned with the preliminary and professional clear California Standards for the Teaching Profession as well as the state and national educational technology standards. As teachers collect artifacts and design showcases, they reflect on their teaching practice. Showcases could be published for public exhibition and shared with the professional community.
CAL-NET - Archived
was an early childhood professional development grant sponsored
by the U.S. Department of Education as a part of No Child Left
Behind and Early Reading First. The project abstract
states: "The Rural California Early Childhood Education
Professional Development Program (CAL-NET) is a research-based,
model program that provides sustained, intensive professional
development to over 500 early childhood educators serving in 250
early childhood programs located in nine rural California
counties." The focus of this two-year grant was to develop
coursework and teacher training in early literacy and
numeracy. Dr. Carla Piper served as a university
consultant for this grant, creating coursework, conducting
workshops and teacher training, and coordinating professional
development activities with institutions of higher
learning. Carla and Janne Bradshaw created this website to
document CAL-NET activities.
Music and Artwork for Character Connection
Carla Piper and Janne
Bradshaw wrote these songs and raps for letter and sound
recognition and counting. The original purpose of this CD
was to provide tools for parents as they help their children
learn letter sounds and symbols, identify letter shapes, and
count to 30 and 100. Reproducible 8 1/2x11 or 11x14 letter
and number posters, flash cards, and letter wall cards were made
available as free downloads on the Soundpiper website.
Originally, the CDs and letter/number grids were used as "parent
homework" as a part of Character Connection, a local Modesto
character education program. The CDs are available to order. Contact us! Click here for free artwork downloads.
Urban Dreams - No Longer Active
The Urban Dreams Project was a
U.S. Department of Education technology challenge innovation
grant with the Oakland, California public high schools.
Dr. Carla Piper served on the evaluation team and created this
website to document the project activities including
professional development in the use of technology in English and
History classrooms. A supplemental grant provided digital video
equipment and training for teachers and students in the use of
digital video technologies. Carla Piper and Janne Bradshaw
conducted video case studies with teachers and students in the
Urban Dreams Project The original Urban Dreams Project web,
including the video case studies is archived on the Oakland
Public Schools Urban Dreams Project website.
Sesame Street
Check out Fairy Alphabet.
Carla wrote and performed this alphabet song for Sesame Street.
It is now a favourite on YouTube. Another production for Sesame
Street was Simple Simon.
Carla incorporated her love for Renaissance music into these two
projects. The CQE course series provides formal instruction and
training to pre-school caregivers and teachers through a
combination of online coursework, workshops, seminars, and
center-based fieldwork.
Early Childhood Education Courses - Archived
Center for Quality Education (CQE) is a non-profit organization
dedicated to improving education for the 21st century. CQE
provides a series of courses that will prepare teachers in a
preschool classroom or state-approved child development center.
The early childhood education curriculum was designed to meet the
requirements for the Child Development Associates (CDA) national
credential. The CQE course series provided formal instruction
and training to pre-school caregivers and teachers through a
combination of online coursework, workshops, seminars, and
center-based fieldwork. The formal coursework included 180 hours
of education in child development. Courses were designed to meet
the CDA competency standards. (No Longer Available)
Carla's Resume
Click here for Carla Piper's resume.